Social Link - Discovery of New Family

Social Link - AVIRA
By analyzing the lifestyles of different classes within a society we came across a variety of aspects about life. Some are enjoying a happy, well established and successful life and all the facilities of a luxurious life. While some are short of having even the basic necessities if a normal life. Some enjoy their weekends in Five-star restaurants while some do not have a two time meal available for them. Some put on every month new dresses while others are not capable to afford new clothing for their families. Well this is an economic difference in a society.

Coming upon the intangible difference among various classes of a society, we see that peace of mind and satisfaction in heart is also limited to certain group of people. Somewhere the families are enjoying full family dealings. Get together, family meals and so on… children on their way back to home from school fortunately have their mothers at homes waiting for them at lunch and show their love to their kids on their return, while there are too many kids who study a whole day but do not have a home where their moms wait for them. They don’t have a father to support them.  These kids are normally called as orphans and are spending the innocent age of their lives in orphanages under an administrative eye of the orphanage head. They do eat but not from their moms’ hands, they do sleep but not on their mothers’ lap.

This segment of human society is indeed a most attention giving segment of the society. Noble people of the society must not ignore this segment. They must remember these kids in the time of happiness because they need our special love and extra care and attention.

“Social Link – Discovery of New Family” was a social project initiated by “Quaidonians Awareness Society (Q.A.S)” of “Quaid-e-Azam College of Commerce”, University Of Peshawar in collaboration with A.V.I.R.A. Q.A.S  and A.V.I.R.A  planned this project to give this segment of our society extra love, affection and care with a very little effort.

For this purpose, they selected the children of Darul-Atfal (an Orphanage) inside Peshawar City. A.V.I.R.A and Q.A.S raised the fund through self contribution and also collected the amount from the students and teachers of Q.A.C.C. every one contributed at their best level and Alhamdulillah the amount reached to about Rs.40000/-. With this amount school bags, Geometry boxes and stationery were bought for the kids. A lunch was arranged for them. Q.A.S and A.V.I.R.A team spend a day with the kids at orphanage. Different games were played by kids and little winners and runner ups were awarded with cash prizes. A magic show was thrown for the entertainment of the kids. It was seen from their faces that they are enjoying really very much. Everyone was so much busy in playing and entertaining the kids that a day seemed small for the fun. It was indeed a very special day for all the people involved in the project.

We should realize that these kids need our special care and love and we must not forget them and leave them alone in any situation. Because the kids are the future of a nation and if they are being grown in an environment of homelessness and carelessness, one can imagine how their personalities would develop when they are supposed to be like the pillar of a nation.

Tamania Daud
Editor | A.V.I.R.A

1 comment:

  1. giving hands and social works are God favrt...


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