E-Magazine (Vol. 01)

A.V.I.R.A | E-Magazine (1)


This is the first issue of the E-MaG by “A.V.I.R.A”. Every effort has been made to present the E-MaG as the true representative of the Youth of Pakistan. Pakistani Youth is free to express their thoughts on any issue of their own interest.

We stand today as a crossroad. To our left we see with grim concern specters of war and destruction looming large on the horizon. From across the vast plains stretching to our right, we hear desperate cries for peace, tolerance and brotherhood.

The best way to defeat the back forces of evil is spread awareness, underlining the importance of love, brotherhood and peace. All humans are one big family – this is in fact is the soul of all religions. Differences among human beings are meant to add spice and not poison to our life.

The present issue contains articles on various social issues of Pakistan. Even as our readers will, we strongly believe, appreciate the efforts made by the Young Writers of the Nation. The readers will find it a document of constructive and illuminating ideas.
Constructive suggestions are welcomed.

Thanks You!!!

Omer Irfan
Editor-In-Chief | A.V.I.R.A
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  1. 1. Outlook ...
  2. 2. Aspect ...
  3. 3. The Blasphemous Law ...
  4. 4. Corruption ...
  5. 5. Good-Bye 'Raymond' ...
  6. 6. Drone Attacks in Pakistan ...
  7. 7. The Earthquake ...
  8. 8. Protection of Human Rights ...
  9. 9. What's your responsibility towards Mother Earth? ...
  10. 10. Suicide isn't a Solution ...
  11. 11. I also deserve Happiness ...
  12. 12. Story of Appreciation ...
  13. 13. Lost Ideology ...
  14. 14. Pakistan is a Firm Mountain ...