Increasing Rate of Suicides in Youth

Suicide! Even the word gives us Goosebumps. For those who don’t know it is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. It’s said that, males are more likely to commit suicide then females. Just a few months back, I heard the news of some teenagers committing suicide.  Suicide is usually caused due to certain mental disorders, economic instability, misunderstandings in interpersonal relationships and the list goes on and on.

Every other teenager complains about being misunderstood and that might be the truth. One of the cases which were highlighted by the media had the same situation. The relationship between the parents and the child was not the way it should have been. If they were close enough, maybe the boy would still be with them now. One of the reasons I believe, is the pressure of getting good grades in their class. It’s understandable that every parent wants their children to be successful and to be able to stand on their own feet but in some cases some parents especially fathers get violent at times and that depresses the child. He feels completely lost. He needs to be having a sense of belongingness to his family, to be able to be loved by them for what he is, but at times parents forget that. The teenager is just a child. He’s fresh blood. He has dreams and aims to be achieved but along with that he’s still a kid. He still is indecisive at times. He still makes mistakes. After all nobody is perfect.

 Parents need to understand the mind of the child, especially at their teenage. In this stage, the child is full of energy but he’s also full of adventures. He’s full of doubts. He doesn’t know what to do and what not to. It’s the parent’s duty to make him realize what’s right and what’s wrong but in a very appropriate manner. Some parents have the habit of scolding which leaves a bad impact on the teenager’s mind. Scolding and spanking him often would make him hate his life. He’d feel completely incomplete like he has nobody.

Another reason might be the excessive use of Facebook, Mobile phone packages and the presents given by the parents rather than their “presence”. I saw this picture a few days back and this is what all the parents out there should think about.

Stress, confusion, pressure and worries about self-worth are common problems in many teens. Suicide at a young age is also due to a thing called inferiority complex or due to being bullied for dark complexion, short height, over weight and etc. The teenager starts to believe what the bullies say to him and he falls for their trap. His mind starts to accept the fact that he’s worthless, of no use and a piece of nothing. This acceptance makes him feel inferior to other people and thus he becomes the victim of inferiority complex which if not treated at the very start, will make the child depressed and as a result of this prolonged depression; he will commit suicide.

Another factor which is usually the cause of our youth committing suicide is the unhealthy relationship of parents with themselves. If the child always sees his parents fighting and shouting over little issues, he will obviously feel neglected and left out. He’ll start to develop the fear that he might lose them. In some cases, the parents usually end up getting a divorce which is the major factor in destroying the personality of the teenager/child. Though some single parents have been successful with parenting but usually the child gets badly affected by their decision. The child obviously requires both of them to grow, to learn, & to explore the world to know him but without one of them it becomes hard for the child to adjust himself completely with the going on situation. This leads to unhealthy habits and ultimately he gets fed up of his life and decides to end it.

Another cause is maladjustment or not having friends. Being lonely can lead to being depressed. If a person has no friends he’s likely to be maladjusted. Which causes violent behaviour, depression and illegal or harmful habits or activities which are not good for the child and in severe cases the person might commit suicide. Physical and mental abuses are also the major reasons for the suicides.

Change in family dynamics can also be the cause for the youth to commit suicide. For example, a new sibling is born or an elder sibling or some other close relative moves in. The teenager feels like someone entered his personal space. When a relative moves in, he doesn’t like their interference and so on. This usually irritates the person because he has own habits, his own way of doing things and he wouldn’t like anybody else making him change his ways. Some people have a very bossy nature which causes the teenager/child to over react and remain angry or upset.

Another important reason is also unemployment. Young graduates find it very difficult to get a job. Most graduates remain out of jobs. In the end, they get a job whose remuneration is quite low than their qualification. Being jobless in this period of inflation is not something a normal person can afford. Then the family pressure of sitting at home and doing nothing all day long, the feeling of worthlessness and the anger stored up inside due to it. All of this adds in making the person more depressed and as a result ending his sphere of life.

Our motto should be to make them able to avoid all the above mentioned problems and to make them capable enough to face them alone. Parents should be more cautious at the teenage because that is when the person is emotionally unstable and he demands emotional security and if it’s not given at home or school he starts using other means and they are certainly not what parents would want their child to use. This age is very special and thus very hard for both the child and the parents. The teenager/child should be raised in a very positive and clean environment. Parents should keep an eye on the child and his activities, his social circle but in a way that the teenager/child doesn’t mind. Some parents have the habit of going every with the child and being with him 24/7. This is not a good thing and should be avoided.

Parents and teachers should always motivate the child and make them understand the worth of life. They should make them realize the blessings that they have and what the underprivileged don’t. They should be taken to an old house or to an orphanage to make them realize the blessings and worthiness of what they have and what they are capable of doing and thus they will raise a blessing for the society.

Written By: Aisha Hamza


  1. Parents need to read this article if they have teenagers at home.

    1. Yes because if the parents are well aware of the childs psychology they will help the child in dealing with all of his problems and other matters :)

  2. Parents should understand the child and try to be friends with him so that he is comfortable in sharing his problems and thus coming to a solution :)

  3. Your work is a Master-Piece.. :)

  4. thought provoking article! good attempt Aisha

  5. I disagree with your point Aisha as parents are also helpless now a days kids especially teenagers get so aggressive at times they think that we as parents are their enemies ! No matter how hard we try to befriend him/her the more the child goes away.
    It's not only the parents fault as in these times it's not easy to bring up children.

  6. It is a good article but as a writer you need to improve your language and grammar skills.
    Social networks and sites in today's world may add to the pressures on youth but at the same time they provide a source of release of one's tensions.
    While the electronic media may provide solutions to their problems these solutions need to be filtered to separate the right solutions from the many wrong ones put up by various people.

  7. Dear anonymous yes parents are helpless and you must be good parent i'm talking about the ones who aren't don't feel bad if your child doesn't listens to you try joking with him sometime or taking him out to a fun place like joy land or fun city :)

  8. Sir Junaid thank you for reading my article and i'd love your assistance next time i plan to publish something how about this you do the proof reading ? :D
    and yes the media is full of different things and parents must try and expose only appropriate things to them :)

  9. Pure skill for the first time :)

  10. Dear Aisha

    1 factor u didnot mention is keeping away from our religion. think about it

    1. Yes thankue for reminding that it totally slipped out :)
      It's indeed a major factor

  11. very well written. You have highlighted most of the universal factors for committing a suicide.
    Keep it up!


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