Change Is Within Us

“I wish to be a Prime Minister of this country to change it.”
I’m sure many of us think, say or hear this sentence. This is no doubt a good thought but can it bring change? Why do we need to be a Prime Minister to bring the change? Why do we require any post or status to serve our country?
I believe we are the change, change doesn’t demand any chair or any status or any post. Change is within us. We being a common man can bring change.
I ask a simple question that why we follow all the rules and regulations in other countries but not in our country? Is it because they force us? Is it because they take strict actions? My answer is ‘No’. We follow all those rules and regulations because of the environment created there. If we find cleanliness around we also try to not mess the place. When we observe any queue of people we also think to be in queue instead of taking any other wrong way. Now my question is who created that environment Government or Prime Minster? No, that environment is not created by government or prime minister but common people like you and me. Yes common man brought the change.
We also need to create the environment for bringing change. We need to practice Quaid’s motto “Unity, Faith and Discipline.” We need to correct the things and the first and foremost thing which needs correction is our own self.
Leo Tolstoy says;
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
We need to correct our self. We need to take things seriously. Serious thing do not only mean economic issues, political issues or international issues. To me throwing trash in the street is really a serious matter. Violation of traffic rule is a crucial matter. Breaking the queue during the submission of bill is a big issue. Yes, these simply seeming things have disastrous results which can never get our attention and we take these things for granted. We should think deeply about these matters these can be solved by you and me.
Start caring my Pakistani brothers and sisters just start caring and trust me it will definitely bring change. In Shaa Allah.
And never think that by doing these little things we cannot make any difference. It create difference because one who do good is caring and caring people can bring change as one spoon of sugar sweetens the whole dish.
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” ~ Margaret Mead
I believe on this Independence Day we won’t blame others or curse our county. On the contrary we’ll play our own part sincerely to serve our country. We’ll try to keep our country neat and clean by not throwing trash, we’ll try to wait while standing in a queue and we’ll show patience and tolerance towards people. In Shaa Allah.
Allah says in Quran;
“Allah doesn’t change a people’s condition unless they change what is in their hearts”


Written By: Qurat Anna
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1 comment:

  1. “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Well said!


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