Adventure Story of Adventure Academy

A group of 25 enthusiasts flocked up at the Jinnah stadium in the evening of June 27. To initiate their mission, they set foot on the base camp of the 2nd highest peak in Pakistan, 9th highest in the world. The group's diversity is not only of their age, sex, and race but of geography as well. More than a few came from as far as Sukkur and Karachi. In the light of foreign tourists not allowed in the area, these adventurers showed solidarity by participating in outdoor trainings at the majestic Fairy Meadows; having their say, that such incidents will not shun their morale.

These Entrepreneurs, engineers, travelers went through a rock climbing session, team building via Ultimate Frisbee and a series of other development exercises. They appreciated the merging of the academic sense in the outdoor excursion and responded that it would have a longer lasting effect in their daily lives on their return.

At the memorial, less than a kilometer away from the base camp, these adventure seekers paid tribute to Herman Buhl, the first conqueror of Nanga Parbat and brother of the legendary Reinhold Messner.

Pakistan from our eyes is beautiful than any part of the World. The more we get closer to the depth of our country, the more we fall in love.
Pakistan Zindabad.

Written By: Sohail Khan
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