
On the night of 13th August 2013, I was sitting with my Grand Mother in her room. We were discussing some general issues about Pakistan and that how bad time Pakistan is facing now a days. While talking about the current issues I noticed that my grand maa’s eyes were full of tears and she wanted to express her feelings about these situations but she was entirely unsuccessful. 

I got worried and asked her what the matter was and she replied: Our conversation is reminding me about the struggle and passion of the workers, of the people of Pakistan who did not even care about their health, families and responsibilities and gifted their blood to Pakistan for its independence. I can't forget that time when I was young and I saw how Pakistan came into being. My heart is filled with sorrow and eyes with tears. This often happens to me my son because when I see the new generation breaking the rules and not listening to their parents that they don't care about the respect and dignity of their own families and our own HOMELAND my heart starts to cry.

We Pakistanis faced a lot of problems before and after independence. Not to forget that we made countless sacrifices in terms of life, respect, dignity, honor, blood, loss of relations etc. When I go back in the year 1947 I just can't forget how many innocent people were killed by many ways they were burnt alive and tortured to death and many of them were sent to prison during migration. An incident that I remember which took place during the migration act was that refugees were travelling from India to Pakistan through train and after midnight that train was attacked and almost all the people on board were killed and half of the train was set on fire. And now we Pakistani’s are living in this homeland without fear we don't care about the sacrifices of Jinnah, of Iqbal, of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, of all the people who fought for independence and died during the independence war. 

Today we celebrate Independence Day wasting our time on fireworks and hangouts and we think that this would be enough. Independence Day should be a day when every Pakistani should raise their hands for DUA and ask for Allah's mercy and his kindness to keep us away from all the evils of future. We should pray a lot and ask ALLAH to help us through these difficult times. Only Allah was the one who helped us in creating our separate homeland where we all are free to do whatever we want and Only ALLAH is the one who will help us always fight with our enemies. We have this homeland as a gift and we don't know how to keep it. 

I pray that may Allah help those who don’t know what they are doing and how bad it is going to be for them in their future I just hope all of us turn to ALLAH and ask for his help in these hard times because we are on the wrong path and that path will lead us to destruction and we will be left with just regret. My son my advice to you is that please no matter what happens follow your responsibilities and try to become a good Pakistani so that one day your family and your friends will be proud of you. Pakistan needs its youth now and its youth is sleeping do something so that the youth of Pakistan start working to make Pakistan the best place of the world and it’s not hard it just requires courage hope and strength :)

Written By: Amna Tariq
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