In these modern times, there is an extreme pressure on each individual to make his place n have others perceive him in a respectable manner, n the ones who fail to achieve such recognition tend to go to any lengths using any kind method just to make their voice heard, because this never ending competition is just rising higher n higher.
Sadly with passing time people are just getting more uncivilized just trying to make themselves happy just ready to walk over others n all that maters is just their own status fame n money,
People are getting more and more high degrees but are actually so darn uncivilized n less visionary.
Degrees these days are just for status and getting jobs and making careers instead of being a better human, We are getting more and more advanced in technology but when it comes to morals and rational thinking and optimism we are going backwards.
In this fast pace culture we are only just getting more dehumanized n becoming more like machines , just getting more devoid of feeling n just diminishing our true selves!
Being a human is just not a natural gift but a great responsibility too, we are here to set a good example to the creatures below us. The animals live by their instincts but we shouldn't because we humans are special enough to have the ability to think differentiate and choose.
In real humanity means having consideration and concern for others, not be too selfish,
love all , serve them,and hurt never.
Humanity is like a universal bridge connecting all of us.
Humanity is a religion that all other religion preach,
Humanity is the most beautiful language on this planet that every other individual can use to speak with other.
Written By: Mahnum Shakoor
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