In the Name of Allah, the Rehman the Raheem.
We are living in 21st century, in which the
modern science and technology has revolutionarised the life of a man. Man has
become a digital animal. All we are curious about is our comfort , the desire
of more wealth, new technological devices like cell phones, iPods etc , the
want of all sort of worldly pleasures has deluded us from a very important
purpose of our life that I am going to discuss very soon. This want of world by
humans is described in Quran in (Sura 102: Sura Takathur)
Allah says:
Greed for more and
more distracted you [from Allah]. Till you reached the grave. No! You are going
to know. Then no! You are going to know. No! If you only knew with knowledge of
certainty. You will surely see the Hellfire. Then you will surely see it with
the eye of certainty. Then you will surely be asked that Day about pleasure.
By just having a look at the rough translation of Sura
Takathur, and applying it on us we come to this point that we have been
deceived by this short and temporary life. We are running behind temporary pleasures. The
life is a test from Allah, as Allah say in ( Sura 67: Sura Mulk )
Allah says:
[He] who created death
and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the
Exalted in Might, the Forgiving –
We are heading towards the greatest catastrophe that would
be felt on this Earth and the important thing is that what we have prepared for
it as
Allah says:
Indeed, We have warned
you of a near punishment on the Day when a man will observe what his hands have
put forth and the disbeliever will say, "Oh, I wish that I were
dust!" ( 78:40)
Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him ) said “ Whoever of you wants
to see the Day of Resurrection than he can must read the following Suras of
Quran i.e Sura Inshiqaq, Sura Infitar, Sura Takwir” . Here is a reflection from these Suras
Allah says:
When the sun is
wrapped up [in darkness]. And when the stars fall, dispersing, And when the
mountains are removed. And when full-term she-camels are neglected. And when
the wild beasts are gathered. And when the seas are filled with flame. And when
the souls are paired. And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked. For
what sin she was killed. When the records of men’s deeds are laid open, And
when the sky is stripped away. And when Hellfire is set ablaze. And when
Paradise is brought near, A soul will [then] know what it has brought [with
it]. (81:1 - 8: 14)
Similarly the other two Suras also discuss this event in a
very demonstrative way.
A day on which the people will be in three groups as
Allah says:
[on that Day] you
shall be divided into three groups.(56: 17)
One group of three will get his record in his right hand (the successful one), and the
other will get his record in his left hand(the failures), and the third one is the
foremost in their faith.
Question is which one of the three groups we are? How would
we determine in which category we come? Let us reflect on one of the Hadis,
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said ‘ One the
Day of Judgement , you will be with those whom you love “.
Meaning that you will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment
with the type of people you love. If you love musicians, pops stars, artists, poets,
film stars you will be with them on the day of Judgment. And the reason is very
clear “Whom you love, you try to be like them “.
Many of us love music up to the point we cannot spent
single moment without it . Such people often claim that music gives nourishment
to ROOH but the thing to note here is that nourishment is provided by something
that is beneficial, and wait a second what are the lyrics of music feeding in
the mind? The content of music is all related to love, Haram relationship
between opposite genders, or they are talking about some crazy event that
happened once in their life or something that is beyond the scope of even craziness!
In Quran
Allah says:
And of the people is
he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah
without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating
Mufassiron of Quran has said that this Ayah is talking about
Music and also about all other things that stop people from the way of Allah
and stop them of the remembrance of Allah.
A very wrong concept of Christians and Jews has now peeped
into the minds of Muslims that as we are Muslims we will enter Janah one day
but how many of us know that by doing all of this we will still die on Islam.
Allah says :
O you who have
believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims
[in submission to Him].(3: 102)
Everything has a price, the more expensive the thing gets
the more high its price is and Jannah is the most expensive gift and its price
is vey high.
In the sight of Allah the world is not worth even a wing of mosquito.
Allah describes this temporary world in different places in
Allah says:
And present to them
the example of the life of this world, [its being] like rain which We send down
from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and [then] it
becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things,
Perfect in Ability.(18:45)
Similarly in Sura-Al- Infitar
Allah says:
O mankind, what has
deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous,(81:6)
Allah does not wants us but we need Allah in our lives, each
breath we take is by the will of Allah, each leave that falls from tree , falls
by the will of Allah, every single action that we do Allah is aware of it.
As Allah quotes the example of Hazrat Luqman when he said to
his son
[And Luqman said],
"O my son, indeed if wrong should be the weight of a mustard seed and
should be within a rock or [anywhere] in the heavens or in the earth, Allah
will bring it forth. Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acquainted.(31:16)
Most of us set a milestone in front of us that when we will
get old we will pray, but no one knows when is his death.
Allah says:
But never will Allah
delay a soul when its time has come. And Allah is Acquainted with what you
Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him ) said to Ibne- Ibaas “ Live in this life as a stranger. When day comes don’t hope
for the night and when the night comes don’t hope for the next day “
Let me mathematically prove you the shortness of this life:
Average life span of man varies from country to country but let us we take the maximum 100 years and a little above that may be 120 years which is too long .
Life in the Hereafter is Infinity,
so let us divide
Average life span of man varies from country to country but let us we take the maximum 100 years and a little above that may be 120 years which is too long .
Life in the Hereafter is Infinity,
so let us divide
Life on Earth = 120/ Infinity = 0 Years
Anything divided by Infinity is zero . Is this is the figure we are all running behind. This situation is defined in Quran.
Allah say:
Anything divided by Infinity is zero . Is this is the figure we are all running behind. This situation is defined in Quran.
Allah say:
hey see it [the Day of
Judgement] to be far off, But We see it (quite) near.(86: 6-7)
Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him ) said”
There is a part of your body, if that is right, whole body is right, if that is
wrong whole body is wrong . And that part of the body is Heart.
Allah says:
That is because they
believed, and then they disbelieved; so their hearts were sealed over, and they
do not understand.(63:3)
The main reason, of the sealed heart is that abondining of
Quran. We don’t contemplate on the Quran anymore. It has become a book of
reading on just several occasions. We are no more concerned to take guidance
from it . One of our Imam said: “ If you are reading Quran just to reach the
end, you have not benefited from it .”
No more tears flow
through our eyes when we listen to it. Just see in what a bad condition we are
in now.
Allah says:
Had We sent down this
Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have seen it humble itself and
cleave asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We propound to
men, that they may reflect.(59:21)
My dear readers ! recite, try to understand , reflect on the
versus of Quran as it will be our companion on the day of Judgement – The day
on which no body can intercede except for whom Allah wills
Allah says:
The Day that the
Spirit* and the angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except for one
whom the Most Merciful permits, and he will say what is correct.(73: 83)
*Here spirit
is referring to Hazrat Jabrail Alihay Salam.
Quran is a timeless guide and it will intercede for us on
the Day of Judgement. Today Learing even Arabic grammar is not a problem sites
like http://www.lqtoronto.com teach
online and totally free. Books can also be found free on sites like http: // www.kalamullah.com .
In the end I would end this article with the words of Allah.
Allah says:
Allah says:
If you persist in
denying the truth how will you escape the Day that will turn the children’s
hair grey.
Written By: Asad Irfan
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