Social Discrimination against the Senior Citizens

Not for nothing did James Surdi, Margate opined,
               “A society that does not honor its seniors is nothing more than barbaric”

People have a general desire of getting old and enjoying their retirement life by making the most out of it, but the bitter reality is: life is just not that easy and fair. Older generation who went through hard times to build up the basis for the welfare of the younger generation are sadly met by the selfish individualism, which acquires only one’s own good and leaves no room for the solidarity of a society. The senior citizens who are suppose to be entitled to retirement favors and are worthy for the high respect by the society, are sadly one of the most violated class around us. Discrimination against older people is a concern that is hardly brought into the light in this part of the globe. Aged people hardly ever report a violent behavior in a family, which ends up in a likewise higher number of unrecorded cases. Violence against the elderly often arises in the public spheres as well as in close social or private relationships.

There are varieties of reasons responsible for this social discrimination. Lack of support, personal problems, social environment where the old age is depicted with negative stereotypes such as mentally ill, physically ill, useless etc.,  All unanimously contribute towards this insensitive behavior. Besides, financial exploitation, loneliness, negligence, psychological aggression; for instance treatment in a disregarding way and disrespectful communication are some of the many different forms of inequity amongst the elderly of the society. I really felt the anxiety running down my nerves after coming across these words of Phyllis Diller,
“Maybe it's true that life begins at 50 ... but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out."

Discrimination against the senior citizens has many faces. In social-economic sphere, older employees may be forced to phase out of their employment positions much earlier. A number of employers disapprove hiring the seniors because of an ill-conceived notion that seniors are incapable of performing efficiently than the young. Nevertheless, researches expose that seniors are actually less likely to call in sick or quit and are generally more dependable. This biased and discouraging attitude of the public compels the seniors to lose their independence and self esteem. They start to see themselves as useless, worthless, and feel unnecessary and unrewarding.

In spite of the highly publicized examples of ill-treatment at care homes, the elderly are oftentimes abused at home by their own family members. In domestic life, some family members resent their presence in their homes. They face unfairness in communication, decision making, recreation activities or right to engage in family activities. Though usually hidden from the public eye, it is very common. Even some of the care homes are reported to have employed staff who have robbed and even beaten seniors for their pension money. Moreover, highly immoral and disrespectful incidents of discrimination against the elderly people have been reported via the media, which occasionally take place in different public places, public transports, public offices etc.

The issue has taken its worst toll in developing countries such as Pakistan where elderly people are not only discriminated but are treated as second rate citizens. The report by The United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) underscores that forty-seven per cent of older men and nearly 24 per cent of older women participate in the labor body. So far, despite their share towards the progress of a socially and economically prosperous society, many older people face intolerant social abuse. Unfortunately, Pakistan has not yet adopted steps to assure sound and healthy lifestyles of the senior citizens. The National Policy for the health of the elderly proposed by the government in 1999 intended to train the primary care doctors, provision of domiciliary care, dental care and a multifunctional system of health care for elderly, still awaits its implementation.

 The need of the day is hence to formulate extensive medical and social agendas for seniors to reinforce the framework of conditions to protect the rights of the senior citizens and provide them with a comfortable, satisfied life. It is a high time to start investing in our aged population by boosting up their number of jobs and pensions, accepting their roles as caregivers and intellectuals to youngsters, improving easy access to quality healthcare etc. To help confront the abuse against the elders, seniors should be encouraged to speak up for themselves. On the other hand, people who are involved in the mistreatment should step back and reflect upon their immoral behavior. The concerned third parties can put themselves in a position to be more aware of what’s happening so they can respond to it. There should be awareness campaigns among families, employees in homes and institutions, nurses and the general public. Management of old people's homes must ensure that all legal necessities are met and there is no occurrence of physical or mental abuse against elderly people. National Policy for the health of the Elderly proposed in 1999 by the Pakistani government should be practiced just like The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations declared in 2006 in Britain that provides protection against age discrimination in employment, training and adult education, for people of all ages. Senior citizens must be given freedom to shape their own life affairs.

Value old people, for they graduated without Google or Wikipedia!
“Our society must make it right and possible for old not to fear the young or be deserted my them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” Pearl S. Buck

Written By: Saman Arif

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