Impact of Current Situation on Social Structure of Pakistan

Today we are facing many social problems i.e. corruption, child labor, gender discrimination etc. The People of Pakistan are aware of almost every social problem, keeping in view; the current situation is showing a picture of complete disaster of Pakistan. Drone attacks, target killing, flood, kidnapping, load shedding etc are a number of incidents that are taking place now-a-days. Yes it is going to lay a severe impact of the sovereignty of my nation. In fact all these incidents are warnings from Allah Almighty. One has to think about that how his/her deeds can fruitful for keeping the Nation united. If we take example of Karachi, due to political conspires, now people are harped with ethnic rivals. They feel insecure in their own neighborhood.
As far as social image is concerned, Pakistan image not portrayed as it should be because of our politicians still saying,
“All is Well “
A very positive attitude must say but without really is unless current situation if not handled with attention, is going to damage the national security as well. The impact is now on the upcoming generation basically the Youth because whatever is happening in our country no one is taking action. People are sleeping, youth is suffering, and they are insecure.
Until and unless serious initiative isn’t taken at a community level, the system isn’t going to get better, to get positive change. Anyhow, we, the Youth can take the first step at smaller level and work with sincerity with our people and our country. Another point to be noted, opportunities are never created or you can’t wait for opportunities to come in your way, you have to create it for yourself.
We should not let anyone think we are weak, we might be sleeping but we are not dead. I will end up this with a beautiful quote;
“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.”

Omer Irfan
Editor-In-Chief | A.V.I.R.A

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