What’s your responsibility towards Mother Earth?

We all claim to be a group of zealous patriots, who can even die for the defense of their motherland – Pakistan. But as we gear up to fight our external enemies; have we dealt with the internal dangers this land is facing? Tell me honestly how many of us even know what is the National Bird of Pakistan or what is the National Animal of Pakistan??? These things may seem trivial and insignificant but in reality, they show how much real interest we have in acquainting with the basics of Pakistan.

Just to increase your information: Our National Bird is – Chukar, many of us may have it as our pet bird even!!! The National Animal is- The Markhor (Ibex) whose beautiful hangings we see in the houses of many rich people. But do we know that it is an endangered species and we should work to conserve it to prevent its extinction from Pakistan??
We talk about others plotting to destroy Pakistan…what about us who are playing the major role in eradicating its beautiful land?? Do you know that 85% water in Lahore, 75% in Islamabad and 87% water in Rawalpindi out of the 0.4% fresh water available for use is declared to be unfit for drinking purposes?? Who are we to blame for this malfunctioning- Our neighbors?? Why not!! That’s an easy thing to do? Do we ever think while washing our cars or taking long showers that how much drinkable water are we wasting?? Or how we are becoming the cause of the death of our fellow countrymen due to our own lack of responsibility??

Claiming to be well aware of the current political affairs of Pakistan, did we ever think that why to waste our energy over the unending discussions with no result, but to work over those issues which are threats to all of us and can give us huge losses in near future?? Thousands are killed due to dengue, malaria or drinking Unhygienic water, all year round. 20-40% of yearly hospital admissions are the result of water borne diseases.

Who is responsible for this loss of water, land or humanity-Us obviously!!!!

Instead of making huge affirmations: we will do this, we will do that, why not to start working on individual basis? Then to indulge communities and eventually the whole society… The underprivileged people get to be the victim of our carelessness as we can afford to buy branded water bottles but they are to drink the waste water sent from the urban areas.

Let our conscience wake up and decide to work for the betterment of masses… we may live in a palace of glass but the sewage and waste surrounding it, can’t make it any prettier for the others… Our sea, our streets, our communities are turning into mound of waste day by day... What we do is to clean our houses and throw the extra garbage out on the streets?? Isn’t Pakistan our house too?? Who gives us shelter and freedom to live the way we want?? Why to mess her exquisite facet in order to avoid clutter in our own homes??

Who is responsible for the misery of uncountable numbers of families, who live in the landfills of our waste and try to make a living out of picking items from it?? Our heart does not bleed over the injustice done to them? The little souls are like us, aren’t they? Don’t they have a right to live in a healthy environment and lead a happy life??

My whole purpose for this article is not to point out a single person or ethnic group but to highlight a community flaw which we all comprise of. But we should aim to do something today that will be beneficial for many to come tomorrow. Let’s start with very few simple steps to conquer the menace of pollution, poverty and unemployment in Pakistan!! They may seem unimportant, trivial chores but can do wonders in the long run
So here we go:
  • Try to spread awareness around your place as we youth are to work for our community’s betterment.
  • While doing (above), try to indulge people for some major issues near your area i.e. an overflowing garbage bin or poor sewage system. Use your convincing power to ask the head of the place for the proper disposal of garbage, ask him to put fines on those who bear negligence.
  • Try to categorize your rubbish into classes i.e. paper, plastic, glass or other materials such as metals etc. This will surely be a lot more help to garbage pickers or raddi walas.
  • Use your sense of responsibility and avoid the unnecessary use and eventual loss of water every day in your houses.
  • Minimize the usage of water for car wash, do it once a week. Do you know if you can just close your tap while brushing your teeth, you can save enough water in a year to generate 32MW electricity to light up our one big city like Karachi?
  • We all love to watch TV shows but when we are bored, we just turn it off by a remote. Do you know- the TV re-mains on standby and the Red light on the TV set is a proof. Turn it off by the main switch. This goes even for your PCs and ACs!!!
  • Mobile phones are the essence of our lives nowadays but once we put it on charge, we forget to take it off charge for hours. This leads to loss of electricity as well guys. Be careful next time!!
  • If you see anyone cutting a tree or polluting your environment, why to wait for some organization to stop them! Why not to go and talk them out just there and then?? This can be done gracefully by male gender.
  • Reduce your purchases if you are not to use them in near future.
  • Donate those items which you don’t use: to those who can. We are to become the savior of our fellow mates by adopting this habit.
  • Help the down trodden souls among us. Encourage them to work or show up at workplaces.
  • Try to Recycle and Reuse the things you buy. Take a plastic box of ice-cream and turn it into a lunch box afterwards. Why to buy a new mineral water bottle every day. Why not to use one again by washing it daily??
  • Care for the creatures who can’t speak to us. Love them and help them nurture in their natural habitats.
  • Take good care of your vehicle! The more you maintain its well being, the more eco friendly it becomes.
  • Organize yourself by prioritizing your work load!! Don’t be lazy guys; it’s long enough for us to ignore the happenings around us. Now get up and work. :D
  • Overcome your personal grudges and try to work as a team, as a single individual can do wonders, where a group can do miracles!!
  • Think about it!
  • Discourage any destructive notions building up within your family, friends or college mates. Instill the emotions of optimism and patriotism in them.
  • Always remember that you may not get the most wanted appreciation, for whatever you do but do keep in mind: There is a Magnificent Entity sitting up There Who sees every microsecond of our lives!! HE will never fail you!!
  • Just be patient and persistent in what you do. Remain indifferent to Worldly praise or mockery!! Time will bring applause from masses.
  • Remain happy yourself and try to spread the feeling of love and affection all around the world. Prove to the world that we are peace loving people and are not violent loving.
  • Volunteer for noble causes and don’t get into political problems. Use your energies for positive activities and think over the welfare of Pakistan.
  • Being an Islamic Republic citizen, we should rebuild the lost religious and moral enthusiasm in us, in order to conquer the surmounting threats from the world.
  • Work selflessly and Be God Fearing Always!!
  • Never become de-motivated by the repressive remarks of your family, friends and fellows. They will surely under-stand one day that you are striving for high aims.
  • Think BIG!!! Think Out Of The Box!!!! Nothing Can Stop You Except You, Yourself!!
  • Lastly A.V.I.R.A: “Awareness, Vision, Inspiration, Responsibility and Action".

I pray that all of us realize our responsibilities as soon as possible and work for humanity with utmost desire to excel among the nations of the world and in eyes of Allah. Ameen! May Allah bless us all! Keep Smiling Always! 

Nayyab Zehra
Army Medical College, National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi.

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