Youth Frustration as a Consequence of Poor Leadership

Frustration is the condition which arises from the alleged resistance to the fulfillment of individual will, or when an accomplishment, inclination or goal is thwarted by an external or internal power. Everyone experiences frustration on certain circumstances. It's that blazing feeling in your gut when things aren't going as you want. Frustration among youth occurs mainly because they are over ambitious and have greater expectations. This very notion leads to downfall and digression, wasting the precious thinking ability and attention, which otherwise would have been used in a constructive work. 

Undoubtedly, the future of Pakistan and the people who would take Pakistan further ahead in the development and progress in all fields is none other than “Youth”. The challenges faced by Pakistani Youth are higher study expenditures, unemployment, no career counseling and no assistance from the elders on how to survive in the materialistic world as they are too engrossed in money-making for their families’ dazzling future. We come across many youngsters, be it a boy or a girl, with little or no hope in their eyes and are frustrated because of nepotism and restricted opportunities for them. Numerous complains about corruption and favoritism are evident throughout the education system. A particular report cites the one young man from Multan who commented, “There is no education. There is a culture of intercession and recommendation.” Another man from Lahore said, “Here, a student struggles day and night but the son of a rich man by giving money gets more marks than him”. This curse has become miserably widespread in society.

Secondly, the existing scenario of insecurity and disrespect for the people who are eliminated from the Semi rich or elite class has pushed a lot of youngsters to take flight from country in search of better jobs and further education with long-standing plans to get settled abroad where they get more respect regardless of their status of a third rate citizen. And most of all, the justice system is far better than what we have got here.
Most significantly, our government has diverted its attention from the progress and prosperity of our youth and thus giving the Nation a major set back by creating a major scarcity of brilliant people. Now the irony of the situation is that even if we have quite a few capable people in the specific field, they are overlooked and new drift has started which is to hire foreign professional to come and do the same job at a much higher rate. Moreover, good jobs are always given at references which again deprives off the real talent on laying its hands on a sound career. Carefully examining the situation, we find a lot of misfits and unskilled people occupying the chief positions in various governmental organizations and NGOs and thus giving a slower growth rate to such organizations.

Furthermore, terrorism and security situations are the concerns of the ordinary community, but their main worries are day-to-day survival. Most of the young Pakistani generation is agonized by inflation, joblessness, lack of energy and water resources, and poverty as the gravest issues affecting their lives. All in all, Pakistan does not seem to have come to terms with its independence in that it is uncertain in choosing their rulers, whether it is to be military person or a civilian.

Unless the educated, privileged lot and the media wake up from their slumber, the stakes are high for Pakistan to be governed as a sovereign nation. There is a crying need for the quality of life to improve, else people will obey whoever can feed and pay them. This is now a playback time for the messed up government and pseudo socialists to repay our young generation. We can do this by making a system for them in which their talents can be used to make the most of and not misrepresented. Media has to play its vital role to highlight our core issues prevailing throughout the nation.

Things are changing now with the youth now becoming aware of their responsibilities towards the betterment of society. They want to bring a positive change and are committed to take charge of the country. This is exactly what our country needs at the moment. The best thing about our youth is that, they are willing to learn. Committing mistakes is not a big deal, but the problem arises when people stop learning from them.
Youngsters of any country are the agents for change. They have the enthusiasm to make things happen effectively and efficiently.

No matter what others say about us, I am positive that our future will be safe and sound and this country will be the paramount for the rest of the world one day INSHAA ALLAH!

Saman Arif
Forman Christian College, A  Chartered University, Lahore

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